L1 Umpire HockeyEd Course - Perth Hockey Stadium
Thu 17 Jun 2021 18:00 — 19:45
Event information
Registrations for this event are closed.
Looking to take the next step in your hockey umpiring?
Well now you can by registering to take part in Hockey WA’s Level 1 Umpire Course.
Designed to train umpires in the fundamental concepts of umpiring including fitness, positioning, signals and ensuring the safety and enjoyment of players.
The program is directed towards parents, players and umpires who are involved in umpiring club hockey, Intra-state Championships and low level National Championships.
All participants must complete training program involving an online learning session, an applied learning quiz, a one day practical course and a practical evaluation.
Attending the course is one part of the Level 1 Accreditation. Once all components have been completed and your certificates have been uploaded to the HockeyED system, participants.