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Busselton Hockey Association and Margaret River Hockey Club adopt Hockey Australia National Policies

Published Fri 12 Jul 2024

Hockey WA recently circulated communications to all club Presidents regarding the adoption of the suite of Hockey Australia National Policies by all clubs and associations.

At the current time, Hockey WA and, therefore by association Hockey Australia, have many clubs and associations around the country with a multitude of rules, regulations, and policies. These documents are written with good intentions; however, they are often non-compliant or out of date; we understand that not every club has the time or the individuals with the skill set to do this sort of work.

The federated structure of hockey as a sport means that all clubs and associations (members of Hockey WA) are considered an Australian Hockey Organisation (AHO). Hockey WA's strategic aspiration is for all AHOs to operate under the guidance of a common policy platform. 

Recently, Maxine Williams, the newly appointed governance director from the Busselton Hockey Association, kick-started discussions regarding adopting the National Policies. Maxine has a clear vision for her new role and is destined to significantly impact the success of hockey in Busselton. Through a thorough review process, Maxine has worked with her fellow Board Members to ensure that as a regional Hockey Association, Busselton now has a well-crafted suite of policy documents that meet the organisation's long-term needs.

Maxine’s home club (Margaret River, home of Kookaburras captain Aran Zalewski) also recently adopted the Hockey Australia policy documents. An easy-to-find drop-down menu on the Busselton Hockey Association website provides the reader with an accessible insight into the organisation on essential matters such as the code of conduct, safeguarding children and young people, member protection, complaints, disputes and discipline, concussion, and extreme weather.   The Busselton Hockey Association recognized that the policy document they were adopting was well suited to their needs. Because Hockey Australia has a routine review process, the policy documents adopted by a regional association will remain relevant and contemporary.

For any club and/or association that would be interested in working with Hockey WA to adopt the suite of Hockey Australia policies for themselves, Graeme Hall General Manager Operations and Competitions, is always available to have that conversation.

Graeme Hall – General Manager Operations and Competitions

Further enquiries can also be directed to Kristen Jerkovich Community and Growth Manager – Regional Associations and Programs on 0418 912 221.
