Hockey WA Update
Published Fri 14 Jun 2024
Hockey WA is currently receiving money (in the form of fines) that we don't want. We would much prefer that clubs retain the fines they are paying for simple errors like not entering results on Revo.
All teams know that weekend results must be submitted to Revo by lunchtime every Monday (leniency is given regarding the deadline). This is a manageable task, but it needs to be done. For teams that don't have their information submitted in time, the inevitable fine is involved.
While Hockey WA expects some initial teething issues in the first couple of rounds every year, at the halfway mark of the season, there are still too many teams and clubs repeatedly missing the deadline and receiving fines. These are fines we don't want to issue.
Our ultimate goal is to support the clubs and teams. We would much rather see the funds stay with you the clubs, so Hockey WA urge you to prioritize the timely submission of your results. This way, we can all work together to avoid unnecessary fines.