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Hockey WA have several Championships and Carnivals coming up for the 2023 season and are looking for qualified and competent Sports Trainers and First Aiders to attend these events. Payment will be negotiated. PURPOSE OF THE ROLE To ensure medical support is in place for players & officials during training sessions and matches. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS Current First Aid and CPR Certification (i.e. HLTAID003 & HLTAID001) Current (or willing to gain) a Working With Children Check DESIRABLE Sports Trainer Level 1, or equivalent Sports Trainer Level 2, or equivalent DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES Duties include but are not limited to: • Familiarity with relevant medical, health & safety related protocols – including but not limited to, concussion, injury management etc. • Becoming familiar with concussion procedures / protocols based on up to date information on • Ensure all medical equipment / supplies & procedures are in place and readily available (first aid kit, stretcher & neck brace, defib, ambulance access etc.) for all sessions and matches • Clear communication with key representatives to set out expectations and following any incidents. • Clear record keeping • Be the first point of contact for any injury / medical issues with the view to: - Contacting ambulance &/or local hospital where required - Oversee immediate emergency response where required – including DRSABCD procedure (Danger, Response, Send for help, Airway, Breathing, CPR & Defibrillation) - Assessment of injured participants including:  Application of STOP (Stop, Talk, Observe, Prevent) and TOTAPS (Talk, Observe, Touch, Active movement, Passive movement & Skills)  Immediate management of severe injuries and life-threatening medical emergencies TIME COMMITMENT As Hockey WA's Championships and Carnivals typically run for a full day, First Aiders/Sports Trainers must be prepared to work long hours.

Personal Details


i.e. HLTAID003 & HLTAID001

E.g. Sports Trainer Level 1, Sports Trainer Level 2, Bachelor or Masters of Physiotherapy etc.